Tuesday 8 November 2016


Educationalimplications of Bhagavat Gita

Following points indicates the educational implications of Gita.The first point is the true meaning of education. We may derive the true meaning of education through the virtuous knowledge emphasised by Krishna. Through true education we perceive unity in diversity and sense the Brahma(God) in all the creatures on this earth. Gita implies that true education is that which helps one to see the existence of God.

                        The second point is the ideals of education. We may analyse the ideals of

Education into six parts, such as(a) to develop virtuous knowledge(b) to develop and effect sublimation of personality(c) to co-ordinate between the individual and social aim.(d) to develop intellectual and logical ability.(e) to establish the importance of duty in life.

                        The third point is to develop virtuous knowledge. Our students, like all of suffer from ignorance of virtuous knowledge.  In Gita Krishna remark Arjun’s ignorance and motivates him towards performing his duty. So we can say that the ideal of education should be to remove ignorance and to provide the virtuous knowledge.

                        The next point to remember about the educational implication of Gita is to develop and effect sublimation of personality. Krishna awakens in Arjun the virtuous powers inheren t in him and motivates him towards the right path. This is exactly what a Guru should do for his disciple.  Thus the ideal of education should be to develop the sublimate the personality of the student.

                        Another point  is to remember here  about the educational emplication of Gita is to co-ordinate between the individual and social aim.In Gita Krishna impresses upon him to sacrifice his individual freedom  to social aim. Thus we may say that according to Gita one of the chief ideals of education should be to affect a co-ordination between the individual and social aspects of things.

                        To develop the inner consciousness is another educational implication of Gita.In Gita ; Krishna takes resource to logical reasoning ‘s and tries to convince Arjun about sacred self-duty(Swadharma).  At last Krishna succeeds in awakening the inner consciousness(Anthakaran) of Arjun. This is exactly the ideal that we should follow in the field of education.

                       Next point to remember here is to establish the importance. One can be happy only by establishing a balance between one’s rights and duties.  Krishna tells Arjun that nothing is greater than performance of one’s duty(Swadharma-palan). It is very necessary to emphasize this viewpoint before the students of these days.  If our students develop this attitude  towards life, then this veryh earth will become a heaven.

                        Another  major point is to remember here  is the Curriculam of Gita.  Gita refers to two types of knowledge(GYAN)- The Para Vidya that is the knowledge about the spiritual realm come the knowledge about the soul(Atma)God(Brahma),the being and the world. The Apara vidya that is the knowledge about mundane affairs.

                        In the knowledge mundane affairs we may include all types of subjects in various displines of art,science,and engineering etc.,which are generally taught in  our education centres.  Within the paravidya the spiritual realm come the knowledge about the soul(Atma)God (Brahma), the being (the jeeva) and the world(Jagat)

                        These days in our educational system the Para vidya the spiritualrealm is generally ignored.This has resulted at the utter neglect of spiritual realm.

                        The knowledge about the spiritualism alone can give eternal peace to man.  Hence in our educational system the spiritual aspects of man’s life should also be given its due place along with subjects related with worldly affairs.

                        The concept of moral education is also very important in the educational implication of Gita. In the foregoing pages we said that the performance of one’s duty(Swadharma-palan) has been principally emphasized in Gita. Krishna has impressed upon him that one’s duty should be performed without taking into consideration its outcome and attachment(Rag)for the same.  It is extremely difficult to think of any higher moral ideal for a man than this. Through practicing this ideal a person will reach the peak of his development and he will overcome all worldly attachment.  This is exactly, what isneeded I n our youths of these days.  So if we impress upon them to practice the above ideal we shall be giving them the noblest moral education.


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